北师大版新高中英语同步词汇学习笔记-必修一 Unit 1 Topic talk
senior adj. 较年长的;地位高的;(学校)高年级的
1.The senior students have more freedom and responsibility. 高年级的学生有更多的自由和责任。
2.The senior manager is responsible for the project. 高级经理负责这个项目。
3 .The senior citizens in our community are highly respected. 我们社区的老年人受到高度尊重。
senior n.年长者;年资较深者;高年级学生;大学四年级学生
1.The seniors are having a graduation ceremony. 这些高年级学生正在举行毕业典礼。
2.The senior citizens in the nursing home need our help. 这家养老院里的老年人需要我们的帮助。
3.My senior year in college was one of the best years of my life. 我大学的最后一年是我一生中最美好的一年。
secondary adj. 次要的;第二位的
1. His role in the project is secondary. 他在这个项目中的角色是次要的。
2. She was assigned a secondary task. 她被分配了一个次要的任务。
secondary (只用于名词前)中等(教育)的
1. I graduated from secondary school last year.我去年从中学毕业了。
2. She has been teaching in a secondary school for five years.她在中学教书已经有五年了。
stressful adj. 充满压力的;紧张的
1. I am feeling very stressful because of the upcoming exam. 我因为即将到来的考试而非常紧张。
2. This job is very stressful and I don't like it. 这份工作很有压力,我不喜欢。
3. The stressful life in the city made him want to leave. 城市里压力大的生活让他想离开。
challenging 有挑战性的
1.The project was very challenging, but I was able to complete it. 这个项目非常具有挑战性,但我最终能够完成它。
2.I love doing challenging puzzles. 我喜欢做有挑战性的谜题。
3.The exam was very challenging and difficult. 这场考试非常具有挑战性且难度较大。
differ 不同,相异,有区别
1. The two books differ in content. 这两本书在内容上有差异。
2. The siblings differ in terms of their personalities. 这些兄弟姐妹在个性上有差别。
I beg to differ 恕我不敢苟同
1.I beg to differ, the cause of the problem is not the lack of communication. 恕我不敢苟同,这个问题的根源并不是缺乏沟通。
2.I beg to differ, the policy needs to be adjusted to better suit the situation. 恕我不敢苟同,需要调整政策以更好地适应当前的情况。
3.I beg to differ, the proposed solution is not the best option. 恕我不敢苟同,建议的解决方案并不是最佳选择。
previous 以前的,先前的
1. I had been to the same spot in the previous year. 我去年曾经去过同一个地方。2. She had a bad experience in her previous job. 她在以前的工作中有过糟糕的经历。
3. The previous owner of the house was an old lady. 这栋房子以前的主人是一位老太太。
dynamic 动态的;充满活力的;精力充沛的
1. He is a dynamic leader and makes a great impression on everyone. 他是一个富有活力的领导,给每个人留下了深刻的印象。
2. The dynamic team completed the project ahead of schedule. 这支充满活力的团队提前完成了项目。
3. She is always full of energy and dynamic. 她总是精力充沛,充满活力。
campus (大学、学院的)校园;校区
1. The university campus is so beautiful with plenty of trees and flowers. 这个大学校园非常漂亮,种满了树木和花卉。
2. The college campus has many high-tech facilities for students to use. 这个学院的校园里有许多高科技的设施供学生使用。
3. The campus of the school is very big and there are many buildings. 这所学校的校园非常大,有许多建筑物。
expectation n.期待;预期,期望
1. I had high expectations for the new restaurant, but it didn't meet them. 我对新餐厅抱有很高的期望,但它没有达到我的期望。
2. My parents had great expectations for me, so I worked hard to reach them. 我父母对我有很高的期望,所以我努力工作以达到它们。
3. I had low expectations for the movie, but it turned out to be really good. 我对这部电影期望不高,但它却表现得很好。
confidence n.信任,信赖;自信,信心
1.I have great confidence in his ability. 我对他的能力有很大的信心。 2.She lost her confidence because of the failure. 她因失败而失去了信心。 3.He is full of confidence. 他充满了信心。
competence 能力;胜任
1. His competence in the field of mathematics is unparalleled. 他在数学领域的能力是无可匹敌的。
2. She demonstrated great competence in dealing with difficult situations. 她在处理困难情况方面表现出极高的能力。
3. His competence to handle such kind of work is beyond doubt. 他能够胜任这类工作毋庸置疑。
chapter n.(文章 丶书等的)章节;(历史或人生的)重要篇章
1. Chapter 3 of the book talks about the importance of communication. 第三章讲述了沟通的重要性。
2. Her life has been full of remarkable chapters. 她的人生充满了重要的篇章。
3. We are studying chapter 8 in class today. 我们今天在课堂上学习第八章。
shift v.(使)转移;(使)移动;(使)改变
1.He shifted the blame to his teammate. 他把责任转移到他的队友身上。
2.She shifted the sofa to the other side of the room. 她把沙发移到房间的另一边。3.He shifted his focus to business development. 他把重点转移到商业发展上来。
shift n. 转移,转换;班,轮班
1. He changed his shift at the factory. 他在工厂改变了班次。
2. I'm working the night shift tonight.我今晚要上夜班。
pressure 具体的“压力”(压力,压强);(精神上的,外界施加的)压力
1. Regular exercise is a great way to maintain healthy blood pressure. 经常锻炼是维持健康血压的一个很好的方式。
2. High blood pressure can lead to serious health problems. 高血压可能导致严重的健康问题。
3. The pressure of the water in the pipe is too high. 水管中的水压太高。
4. The pressure of work is too much for him to handle. 对他来说,工作压力太大了。
pressure v 对.....施加压力;迫使
1. The parents pressured their son to study harder.父母迫使他们的儿子更加努力地学习。
2..The boss pressured her to finish the project in two days.老板迫使她在两天内完成这个项目。
leisure 空暇;空闲;业余时间
1.I like to spend my leisure time reading books. 我喜欢花空闲时间读书。
2.He enjoys playing video games in his leisure. 他喜欢在空暇时间玩电子游戏。3.I usually take a walk in my leisure in order to keep fit. 我通常在空闲时间散步以保持健康。
recover 恢复,康复,重新获得
1. He recovered from his illness after a few days of rest. 他休息几天后病愈了。
2. She recovered her lost possessions with the help of the police. 她在警察的帮助下恢复了她失去的财产。
3. She recovered her confidence after she passed the exam. 她通过考试后重新获得了自信。
injury (身体上的)伤;损伤;(情感上的)伤害
1. She suffered an injury to her left arm in a car accident. 她在一次车祸中受到了左臂的伤害。
2. His careless words caused a serious injury to her self-esteem. 他粗心的话造成了她自尊心的严重伤害。
3. The athlete got an injury to his knee during the game. 这位运动员在比赛中膝盖受伤了。
plus adj. 表示加的;正的;零上的;有利的,好的;conj 并且,而且
1. He has a plus personality. 他的性格很出众。
2. This is a plus point for the company. 这对公司来说是一个好处。
3. Her new hairstyle plus her beauty. 她的新发型增添了她的美丽
challenge n. 挑战;邀请比赛;盘问;质疑 v. 向 ... 挑战;盘问;质疑
1. He accepted the challenge to become the CEO of the company. 他接受了担任该公司首席执行官的挑战。
2. She challenged him to a race. 她向他发起了一场比赛。
3. His leadership was challenged by his colleagues. 他的领导能力受到同事们的质疑。
4. We have to challenge ourselves to become better. 我们必须挑战自我以获得更好的成绩。
arise from 起因于; 由 ... 而产生
1.The new policy arose from the discussions between the two sides. 这项新政策源于双方的讨论。
2.The problem arose from the lack of communication between them. 这个问题源于他们之间缺乏沟通。
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