北师大版新高中英语同步词汇学习笔记-必修一 Unit 1 Lesson 2


  • cafe [kæfeɪ] 咖啡厅

  • 1. I like to go to the cafe near my house to read a book. (我喜欢去我家附近的咖啡厅看书。)

      • I usually go to the cafe to study. (我通常去咖啡厅学习。)

      • 2. Let's meet at the cafe at 2 pm. (我们两点在咖啡厅见面。)

        3. The cafe has  a great selection of pastries. (这家咖啡厅有很多好吃的糕点。)    pastry  ['peɪstri] 糕点

        4. 固定搭配: go  to the cafe (去咖啡厅)

  • downtown [ˈdaʊntaʊn] 市中心

    • I work in  downtown Los Angeles. (我在洛杉矶市中心工作。)

    • Let's go shopping downtown this weekend. (这个周末我们去市中心购物。)

    • There are a lot of restaurants in downtown Chicago. (芝加哥市中心有很多餐馆。)

    • 固定搭配: in  downtown (在市中心)

      • There is a  lot of traffic in downtown during rush hour. (高峰期在市中心交通很拥堵。)




  • stress     [stres] 压力

    • I always feel a lot of stress at work. (我总是在工作中感到很大的压力。)

    • Exercise can help reduce stress. (锻炼可以帮助减轻压力。)

    • Too much stress can lead to health problems. (过度的压力会导致健康问题。)




  • suffer [ˈsʌfər] 遭受

    • Many people  suffer from allergies in the spring. (很多人在春天患上过敏症。)

    • He suffered  a lot of pain after his surgery. (他在手术后遭受了很多痛苦。)

    • The company  is suffering from financial problems. (公司正在遭受财务问题。)

    • 固定搭配:   suffer from (患有)

      • She suffers  from migraines. (她患有偏头痛。) 

      • migraine


        n. 偏头疼


  • reduce [rɪˈdjuːs] 减少

    • I'm trying to reduce my sugar intake. (我正在尝试减少摄入糖分。)

    • Recycling can help reduce waste. (回收可以帮助减少浪费。)

    • The company   is looking for ways to reduce costs. (公司正在寻找降低成本的方法。)

    • 固定搭配:      reduce stress (减轻压力)

      • Meditation  can help reduce stress. (冥想可以帮助减轻压力。)


  • expert [ˈekspɜːt] 专家

    • He's an  expert in computer programming. (他是计算机编程方面的专家。)

    • The company  hired an expert to help with the project. (公司雇了一名专家来协助这个项目。)

    • The expert  gave a presentation on the latest research in the field. (专家就该领域最新的研究做了一个报告。)


    • 固定搭配: be an expert in (是...方面的专家)

      • She is an  expert in human resources. (她是人力资源方面的专家。)



  • frank [fræŋk] 坦率的

    • I appreciate your frank feedback. (我很感激你坦率的反馈。)

    • Let's have a frank discussion about our problems. (让我们坦率地讨论我们的问题。)

    • She's known for being frank and honest. (她以坦率和诚实而闻名。)

    • 固定搭配: be frank with (对...坦率)

      • He was frank with me about his feelings. (他对我坦率地表达了自己的感受。)


  • editor [ˈedɪtər] 编辑

    • The editor  made some changes to my article. (编辑对我的文章做了一些修改。)

    • She works as a freelance editor. (她是一名自由撰稿人。)

    • The  newspaper is looking for a new editor. (报社正在寻找一名新的编辑。)

    • 固定搭配: be the editor of (是...的编辑)

      • He's the editor of the fashion magazine. (他是时尚杂志的编辑。)


  • remove [rɪˈmuːv] 移除

    • Please  remove your shoes before entering the house. (请在进入房子之前脱掉鞋子。)

    • The stain won't come out, even after I tried to remove it. (这个污渍无论我如何尝试都无法清除。)

    • The company  had to remove the faulty product from the market. (公司不得不将有问题的产品从市场上下架。)

    • 固定搭配:      remove from (从...中移除)

      • He removed the book from the shelf. (他从书架上取下了那本书。)


  • entirely [ɪnˈtaɪəli] 完全地

    • I entirely agree with your proposal. (我完全同意你的提议。)

    • The problem  was entirely my fault. (问题完全是我的错。)

    • The movie  was entirely in English, with no subtitles. (这部电影完全用英语拍摄,没有字幕。)




  • position [pəˈzɪʃn] 位置

    • Please  adjust your position so that everyone can see the screen. (请调整你的位置,让每个人都能看到屏幕。)

    • He's hoping to get a higher position in the company. (他希望在公司里得到更高的职位。)



  • military [ˈmɪlɪtəri] 军事的

    • He served in  the military for ten years. (他在军队服役了十年。)

    • The country  is facing a military threat from its neighboring country. (这个国家正面临来自邻国的军事威胁。)

    • The military has been called in to help with disaster relief efforts. (军方已经被调派来协助救灾工作。)

    • 固定搭配:      military service (服兵役)

      • All men in that country are required to do military service. (那个国家所有男子都必须服兵役。)


  • due to [ˈduː tuː] 由于

    • The flight  was delayed due to bad weather. (航班因天气恶劣而延误。)

    • He missed the meeting due to traffic. (由于交通堵塞,他错过了会议。)

    • The event  was canceled due to lack of interest. (由于缺乏兴趣,这个活动被取消了。)

    • 固定搭配: due to the fact that (由于...这个事实)

      • He was late due to the fact that he missed his train. (他迟到了,是因为错过了火车。)



  • absolutely [ˌæbsəˈluːtli] 绝对地

    • I absolutely love this restaurant. (我绝对喜欢这家餐厅。)

    • The answer  is absolutely correct. (答案绝对正确。)

    • She's  absolutely convinced that she's right. (她确信自己是对的。)





  • thus [ðʌs] 因此

    • The company has  cut costs, thus improving its bottom line. (公司削减了成本,因此改善了底线。)

    • The project  was delayed, thus causing a lot of frustration. (这个项目被推迟了,因此引起了很多沮丧。)

    • He failed his exam, thus having to retake it. (他考试不及格,因此必须重新考试。)

    • 固定搭配: thus far (到目前为止)

      • Thus far, we have completed half of the project. (到目前为止,我们已经完成了项目的一半。)


  • tension [ˈtenʃn] 紧张

    • There was a lot of tension in the air before the big game. (在大赛前气氛很紧张。)

      The tension  between the two countries has been escalating. (两国之间的紧张关系正在升级。) 




    • She felt a lot of tension before her job interview. (她在面试前感到很紧张。)

    • 固定搭配: ease  tension (缓解紧张)

      • The company  held a team-building event to ease tension between employees. (公司举办了一个团队建设活动,缓解员工之间的紧张关系。)


  • organise [ˈɔːɡənaɪz] 组织

    • She helped  organize the school fundraiser. (她帮助组织了学校的筹款活动。)

    • The company  is organizing a team-building retreat. (公司正在组织一个团队建设活动。)

    • We need to organize our files so that we can find things more easily. (我们需要整理文件,以便更容易地找到东西。)

    • 固定搭配: be  well-organized (井然有序)

      • Her desk is  always well-organized. (她的桌子总是井然有序。)


  • in other words [ɪn ˈʌðə wɜːdz] 换句话说

    • The company  wants to cut costs, in other words, reduce spending. (公司想要削减成本,换句话说,减少支出。)

    • He's not a  great student, in other words, he doesn't study very much. (他不是一个好学生,换句话说,他不怎么学习。)

    • I don't have time to go out tonight, in other words, I'm staying in. (我今晚没有时间出去,换句话说,我要呆在家里。)




  • function [ˈfʌŋkʃn] 功能

    • The new app has a lot of functions that the old one didn't have. (新的应用程序有很多旧的应用程序没有的功能。)

    • The heart  has an important function in the human body. (心脏在人体内有着重要的功能。)

    • The function  of this button is to turn the device on and off. (这个按钮的功能是开关设备。)

    • 固定搭配:      perform a function (执行一个功能)

      • The  computer is designed to perform a specific function


  • seek [siːk] 寻找

    • He's seeking  a new job. (他正在寻找一份新工作。)

    • The company is seeking investors. (公司正在寻找投资者。)

    • She's  seeking advice from her friends. (她正在向朋友寻求建议。)

    • 固定搭配: seek help (寻求帮助)

      • She had to  seek help from a tutor to pass the exam. (她不得不向导师寻求帮助才能通过考试。)


  • professional  [prəˈfeʃənl] 专业的

    • He's a professional musician. (他是一名专业音乐家。)

    • The company hired a professional photographer for the event. (公司为活动聘请了一名专业摄影师。)

    • She's very  professional in her work. (她的工作非常专业。)

    • 固定搭配:      professional development (职业发展)

      • The company  offers opportunities for professional development to its employees. (公司为员工提供职业发展机会。)
