北师大版新高中英语同步词汇学习笔记-必修一 Unit 1 Writing Workshop & Reading Club
junior /ˈdʒuːniə(r)/ 【形】初级的,年少的
She was promoted to a senior position after working as a junior staff for three years. 她在担任初级员工三年后晋升到高级职位。
As a junior member of the team, he was assigned to do some basic research work. 作为团队的初级成员,他被分配做一些基础研究工作。
Junior employees are encouraged to ask questions and learn from more experienced colleagues. 鼓励初级员工提问并向经验更丰富的同事学习。
formal /ˈfɔːml/ 【形】正式的,公开的
The dress code for the event is formal, so please dress accordingly. 活动的着装要求是正式的,所以请相应着装。
The meeting was conducted in a formal atmosphere with a strict agenda. 会议在正式的氛围中进行,有着严格的议程。
He wrote a formal letter of apology to the customer for the mistake. 他给顾客写了一封正式的道歉信以表达歉意。
adapt /əˈdæpt/ 【动】适应,改编
The company has adapted its marketing strategy to better meet the needs of the target audience. 公司已经调整了它的营销策略以更好地满足目标受众的需求。
It took me some time to adapt to the new working environment. 我花了一些时间适应新的工作环境。
The novel was adapted into a movie that was well-received by audiences. 这本小说被改编成了一部备受观众喜爱的电影。
gym /dʒɪm/ 【名】体育馆,健身房
He goes to the gym every day to work out and stay in shape. 他每天去健身房锻炼身体,保持健康。
The school has a large gymnasium that can be used for a variety of sports activities. 学校有一个大的体育馆,可以进行各种运动活动。
She hired a personal trainer at the gym to help her achieve her fitness goals. 她在健身房雇了一个私人教练来帮助她实现健身目标。
moment /ˈməʊmənt/ 【名】瞬间,时刻
I'll be with you in a moment, I just need to finish this email. 我马上就来,我只需要完成这封电子邮件。
The moment he saw her, he knew that she was the one for him. 他一看见她,就知道她是他的真命天女。
This is a moment that we will remember for the rest of our lives. 这是我们一生中将会铭记的时刻。
presentation /ˌprezənˈteɪʃn/ 【名】演讲,介绍
She gave a presentation on the company's new product line at the conference. 她在会议上介绍了公司的新产品系列。
The presentation was well-organized and engaging, and the audience was very receptive. 这个演讲组织得很好,引人入胜,观众反应热烈。engaging 动人的;迷人的;有魅力的 receptive 易接受的;愿意接受的
He prepared a PowerPoint presentation for the meeting to help illustrate his points. 他为会议准备了一个 PowerPoint 演示文稿,以帮助阐明他的观点。
slide /slaɪd/ 【名】幻灯片,滑动
The presentation had over 50 slides, which made it a bit long. 这个演示文稿有50多页,有点太长了。
The child slid down the slide at the playground with a big smile. 孩子在游乐场上开心地滑下滑梯。
look forward to 【短语】期待
I'm looking forward to the weekend, I need some time to relax. 我期待着周末,我需要一些时间来放松。
They are looking forward to their trip to Europe next month. 他们期待着下个月去欧洲旅行。
We are looking forward to seeing you again soon. 我们期待着尽快再次见到你。
draft /drɑːft/ 【名】草稿,草案
He's still working on the first draft of his novel, it's not ready to be published yet. 他还在写小说的第一稿,还不准备出版。
I need to make some revisions to the draft before submitting it to my supervisor. 我需要对草稿进行一些修改,然后提交给我的主管。
The president reviewed the draft of the new policy and made some changes before it was finalized. 总统审阅了新政策的草案,并在最终确定之前进行了一些修改。
format /ˈfɔːmæt/ 【名】格式,版式
The document needs to be in a specific format in order to be accepted. 这个文件需要按照特定格式才能被接受。
The book is available in both print and digital formats. 这本书有印刷版和数字版两种格式。
Can you help me format my resume? 你能帮我排版简历吗?
issue /ˈɪʃuː/ 【名】问题,争议
The company is facing some important issues that need to be addressed. 公司面临一些重要的问题需要解决。
The issue of climate change is a global concern that affects everyone. 气候变化的问题是一个全球性的关切,影响着每个人。
We need to discuss this issue further before making a decision. 我们需要进一步讨论这个问题,然后再做决定。
licence /ˈlaɪsns/ 【名】许可证,执照
He applied for a driver's licence and passed the test on his first try. 他申请了驾照并在第一次考试中通过了。
The software is protected by a licence agreement that restricts its use. 这个软件受到许可协议的保护,限制了它的使用。
The company has a licence to operate in this state, but it needs to be renewed every year. 公司在这个州有经营许可证,但每年需要续订一次。
teapot /ˈtiːpɒt/ 【名】茶壶
She poured the boiling water into the teapot and let the tea steep for a few minutes. 她把热水倒入茶壶中,让茶叶浸泡几分钟。steep 浸泡
The teapot was decorated with a beautiful floral pattern. 茶壶上装饰着美丽的花卉图案。
He bought a vintage teapot at an antique store as a gift for his mother. 他在古董店买了一个古董茶壶作为母亲的礼物。
crop /krɒp/ 【名】庄稼,农作物
The farmers harvested the wheat crop in early September. 农民们在九月初收获了小麦庄稼。
The crop yield was lower than expected due to a lack of rain. 由于缺乏雨水,庄稼产量低于预期。jield
n. 投资收益;生产量
The government provided subsidies to farmers who experienced crop losses due to natural disasters. 政府向因自然灾害而遭受农作物损失的农民提供补贴。
aid /eɪd/ 【名】援助,帮助
The government provided aid to the victims of the earthquake. 政府向地震灾民提供援助。
The charity organization raised funds to provide aid to refugees. 慈善组织筹集资金为难民提供援助。
The aid workers distributed food and water to those in need. 援助工作者向需要的人分发食物和水。
digestion /daɪˈdʒestʃən/ 【名】消化
The process of digestion begins in the mouth with the chewing of food. 消化过程始于口腔,通过咀嚼食物开始。
The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food into nutrients. 消化系统负责将食物分解为营养物质。
Some people experience digestive problems after eating certain foods. 有些人在食用某些食物后会出现消化问题。
digest /daɪˈdʒest/ 【动】消化,吸收
It takes several hours for the body to digest a large meal. 身体需要几个小时才能消化一顿大餐。
The stomach acid helps to digest the food and break down the nutrients. 胃酸有助于消化食物和分解营养物质。
recreation /ˌrekriˈeɪʃn/ 【名】娱乐,休闲活动
He moved from the city to a rural area to enjoy a quieter and simpler life. 他从城市搬到了乡村,享受更加安静和简单的生活。
He enjoys outdoor recreation such as hiking and camping. 他喜欢户外娱乐,比如徒步旅行和野营。
The town has several parks and recreation areas for residents to enjoy. 这个城镇有几个公园和娱乐区供居民享受。
rural /ˈrʊərəl/ 【形】乡村的,农村的
The rural landscape was picturesque, with rolling hills and fields of crops. 农村风光如画,起伏的山丘和庄稼田野交相辉映。
The rural community came together to help one another during a recent flood. 在最近的洪灾中,农村社区团结一心,互相帮助。
cave /keɪv/ 【名】洞穴,山洞
The explorers discovered a hidden cave deep in the jungle. 探险家们在丛林深处发现了一个隐藏的山洞。
The cave was filled with stalactites and stalagmites, which made it a popular tourist attraction. 洞穴里有很多钟乳石和石笋,使其成为一个受欢迎的旅游景点。
They camped inside the cave for the night, surrounded by complete darkness. 他们在洞穴里露营度过了一夜,四周一片漆黑。
[北师一起点]北师版小学六年级英语上册同步讲课视频教程(11小讲 完整版)

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