北师大版新高中英语同步词汇学习笔记-必修一 Unit 2 Lesson 1


['ʌndədɒɡ]  n. 处于劣势的一方; 弱方

1. The crowd cheered loudly for the underdog team. 群众为弱队喝彩。
2. Despite being the underdog, they managed to win the championship.
3. The movie tells the story of an underdog boxer who becomes a champion. 这部电影讲述了一个成为冠军的弱势拳击手的故事。

defeat  [dɪ'fiːt]  n. 挫败;败北

1. The team suffered a 3-0 defeat in the final match. (这个队在决赛中以3-0的比分输掉了比赛。)

2. The general admitted his defeat and surrendered to the enemy. (将军承认了他的失败并向敌人投降。)

vt. 战胜;击败;使...不能实现

3. The champion defeated the challenger in the boxing match. (冠军在拳击比赛中击败了挑战者。)

4.The bad weather defeated our plans for a picnic. (恶劣天气破坏了我们野餐的计划。)


company  ['kʌmpəni]  n. 公司;商号;陪伴;同伴;客人;[军]连;一群v. 陪伴1. I have company this evening. 今晚我有客人。
keep sb company 陪伴某人
2. She felt lonely, so I stayed to keep her company. (她感到孤独,所以我留下来陪伴她。)
3. I will keep you company while you wait for the bus. (我会在你等公交车的时候陪伴你。)
for company 作伴;陪伴
4. I have books  for company during long flights.我在长途飞行中带了书作伴。
in company with 与....一起
5. She walked to school in company with her little sister. (她和她的妹妹一起走路去学校。)
in the company of  与...一同
6.He went to the concert in the company of his girlfriend. (他和他的女朋友一起去听音乐会。)


guy [ɡaɪ]  n. 家伙;(男)人

That guy over there is my neighbor. (那边的那个家伙是我的邻居。)



champion  ['tʃæmpiən]  n. 冠军;优胜者


shot 发射,射击;尝试,努力;注射;照片,(电影中的)镜头


  1. The athlete took a shot at the goal, but the ball missed and hit the post.


  2. She gave it her best shot, but unfortunately, she didn't pass the test.


  3. The doctor gave him a shot to help with the pain.


  4. The movie had some beautiful shots of the countryside.



inspiration  [ˌɪnspə'reɪʃn] n. 灵感;鼓舞人心(的东西)

  1. The artist was searching for inspiration for her next masterpiece.


  2. His words were an inspiration to all who heard them.



try out for sth 参加.....选拔/试演
1. She's going to try out for the school play next week.
2. He's been practicing every day to try out for the basketball team.


replacement  n. 更换;接替者

The mechanic told me that I needed a replacement for my car's battery.



desire  [dɪ'zaɪə]  n. 渴望;愿望;欲望  v. 渴望;向往;要求

1. She had a strong desire to travel the world and experience new cultures. (她渴望旅游世界各地,体验新的文化。)

2. His desire for success motivated him to work hard every day. (他对成功的渴望激励他每天努力工作。)


crash  [kræʃ] v. 撞击;坠毁;发出巨响;崩溃;破产

1. The car crashed into the wall and caused significant damage.


2. The plane crashed into the ocean, killing all passengers on board.


3. The stock market crashed, causing widespread panic among investors.



gather ['ɡæðə]  (使)聚集;(使)聚拢 

1. The whole family gather around the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala. 



2. He gathered (up) all his courage/strength and decided to attend a job interview. 



pack  n. 一群;一副;包裹;一包  v. 包装;解雇;塞满;收拾行李;佩戴

a pack of cigarettes  一包香烟

a pack of fools/wolves 一群傻子/狼

They hurriedly packed their things/belongings into the suitcase. 他们匆忙地把东西装进了行李箱。

We all packed into one car. 我们都挤进了一辆车里。

pack up 把......收拾;收拾(行李);

I need to pack up my backpack this weekend.我需要在周末把我的书包整理一下。


sharply ['ʃɑːpli]  adv. 急剧地

1. She sharply criticized  ['krɪtɪsaɪz]  his behavior. (她严厉地批评了他的行为。)

2. The temperature dropped sharply in the evening. (温度在晚上急剧下降。)

3. The dog barked sharply at the stranger. (狗对陌生人急剧地叫了起来。)



let sb. down: 辜负某人/让某人失望

He promised to help but ended up letting me down. 他答应帮忙,但最终辜负了我。



onto: 到……上面

1. He put the book onto the table. (他把书放到桌子上。)

2. The cat jumped onto the bed. (猫跳到床上。)

3. The bird flew onto the branch. (鸟儿飞到了树枝上。)


be onto sth: 知道某事/正在调查某事

1. I think my boss is onto my plan. (我觉得老板知道我的计划了。)

2. The teacher was onto the students' cheating. (老师知道学生们作弊了。)

3. The detective was onto the criminal's whereabouts. (侦探知道罪犯的行踪了。)whereabouts 下落


extra: 额外的

1. He ordered an extra large pizza. (他点了一份特大号的披萨。)

2. She paid extra for express shipping. (她为了快递多付了点钱。)

3. The movie had some extra scenes that were not in the original script. (电影中有一些不在原脚本中的额外场景。)



pay off: v. 还清欠款;取得积极的结果或成果

1. After years of hard work, he finally paid off all his debts. (经过多年的努力,他终于还清了所有的债务。)

2. All the training and practice paid off when she won the championship. (她在夺冠时,所有的训练和练习都得到了回报。)



keep up with: v. 跟上;了解最新情况

1. If you want to stay competitive in the job market, it's important to keep up with changes in technology. (如果想在就业市场中保持竞争力,了解技术的变化非常重要。)

2. I try to read the news every day to keep up with current events. (我每天都会看新闻,以了解时事动态。)



energy: n. 能量;精力

After a good night's sleep, I have more energy to tacklethe day ahead. (经过一个好的夜晚之后,我有更多的精力来应对接下来的一天。)


crowd: n. 人群;v. 拥挤

1. The crowd at the concert was so big that it was hard to see the stage. (演唱会上的人群如此之多,以至于很难看到舞台。)

2. Fans crowded around the entrance to the stadium, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite players. (球迷们挤在体育场入口处,希望能看到他们最喜欢的球员。)


clap: v. 拍手;n. 掌声

1. The audience clapped loudly at the end of the performance. (表演结束时观众掌声一片。)

2. I heard a loud clap of thunder just as I was getting ready to leave the house. (当我正准备离开家时,我听到了一声巨响的雷声。)


earn: v. 赚取;赢得

1. She worked hard all year and earned a big bonus at the end. (她一整年都很努力工作,最后赚到了很多奖金。)

2. He has definitely earned my respect after all the work he's done to help others. (在他为帮助他人所做的所有工作之后,他绝对赢得了我的尊重。)



possession: n. 拥有的东西;所有权

1. One of his most prized possessions is a painting that has been in his family for generations. (他最珍贵的财产之一是一幅画,这幅画已经在他家族中传了好几代了。)

2. The suspect was found in possession of stolen property. (嫌疑人被发现持有被盗财物。)

in possession of: 拥有

3. The police discovered that he was in possession of illegal drugs. (警方发现他拥有非法药物。)

in the possession of: 被某人拥有

4. The documents are currently in the possession of the company's legal department. (这些文件目前在公司法律部门的手中。)

take possession of: 取得所有权或控制权

5. After the company went bankrupt, the bank took possession of all its assets. (公司破产后,银行接管了其所有资产的所有权。)


possess  拥有

1. He possesses excellent communication skills, which are highly valued in the workplace.(他拥有出色的沟通技巧,在职场中备受重视。)

2.  The museum's collection possesses many rare and valuable artifacts(博物馆的收藏拥有许多珍稀而有价值的文物。)

3.  It is important to possess a positive attitude when facing challenges.(面对挑战时拥有积极的态度非常重要。)
