

Marty's still totally paranoid


paranoid adj. 类似妄想狂的;多疑的

1.He's a paranoid person who always believes that someone is out to get him. 他是一个多疑的人,总觉得有人要欺负他。

2.She suffers from paranoid delusions that people are spying on her. 她患有妄想狂症,认为有人在监视她。

3.His paranoid behavior made us all quite uncomfortable. 他的多疑行为让我们都感到很不自在。


I'm the girl in the veil who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family.


stomp  vt. 跺(脚);重踏

1. The woman stomped her feet in frustration.女人沮丧地跺脚。

2. The soldier stomped on the ground to show his determination.士兵跺脚以示决心。


You may wanna steer clear of the word "dumped"


steer  v. 操纵;驾驶;掌舵;引导

steer clear of 绕开;避开

1. I'm going to steer clear of that restaurant; the food was terrible last time.


2. Let's steer clear of politics; I don't want to get into an argument.



Monica, you're scaring me.I mean, you're like, you're like all chaotic and twirly.


chaotic [keɪ'ɒtɪk]  adj. 混乱的

twirly ['twɚlɪ] adj. 团团转的

chaotic and twirly 慌慌张张的

The room was in a chaotic state. 房间一片混乱状态。

The students were running around in a chaotic and twirly manner. 学生们慌慌张张地到处乱跑。


 I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish, but, were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/lesbian thing? Because I think it might take some of the heat off me. 我知道这样要求过于自私,你能不能和他们说一下小孩/女同性恋之类的事?因为这样可以让我喘口气

bring up 提出;教育;养育

1.I brought up my son all by myself. 我独自抚养了我的儿子。

2.My boss brought up the idea of expanding the business. 我的老板提出了扩大业务的想法。


Phoebe: Yeah. We don't speak. She's like this high-powered, driven career type.  对,我们不往来。她是一心追求事业的人。

high-powered  adj. 马力大的;精力充沛的;高性能的

driven career 事业型的

I'm always striving for a more fulfilling and career-driven life.  我一直在努力追求更有意义和职业发展驱动的生活。


Ross: (entering) Sorry I'm late, I was stuck at work.


stuck  adj. 不能动的;束手无策的;不得不的

be stuck at /with 被......困住

I hate being stuck at home all day. 我讨厌整天困在家里出不去。

We are stuck with this decision now. 我们现在对这个决定束手无策。


She was pregnant with her husband's child.    她怀着她丈夫的孩子。

If everything works out, and you guys end up getting married and having kids- and everything- I just hope they have his old hairline and your old nose.



His receding hairline made him look older. 他的发际线正在后退,让他看起来更年长。


Okay, I know it was a cheap shot, but I feel so much better


cheap shot不适当的、轻蔑的讽刺恶劣的言行

1. He made a cheap shot about her weight. 他就她的体重放了一句不该说的讽刺。

2. She was angry at the cheap shot he made about her. 她对他的贬低言论感到很愤怒。


word of advice: Bring back the comedian


My word of advice is to be yourself. 我的忠告是做自己。
