

1. So does he have a hump ? A hump and a hairpiece?

hump 驼背

The old man had a slight hump in his back. 老人背上有着轻微的驼背。

The boy was born with a hump on his shoulder.这个男孩天生长着肩上的驼背。

hairpiece 假发

She bought a hairpiece to cover up her bald spot. 她买了一个假发,掩饰她的秃头。


2.  And it turns out it's my mother. 竟然是我妈妈打来的。

it turns out 原来是..., 事实证明

It turns out that the rumors were completely false. 事实证明,谣言完全是假的。

It turns out that the weather forecast was wrong. 事实证明,天气预报是错的。

It turns out that the man was an impostor. 事实证明,那个人是冒名顶替者。


3.  Which is very, very weird because she never calls me.

这非常奇怪 因为她从来都不会打电话给我。

weird 奇怪的,古怪的

She had a weird feeling that something bad was going to happen.


His behavior was so weird that everyone was avoiding him.


He had a weird habit of talking to himself.



4.  Carol moved her stuff out today.


stuff   n. 东西;原料;材料

She was surrounded by piles of stuff she had collected.


He was always buying stuff he didn't need. 他总是买一些他不需要的东西。


5.  Let me get you some coffee.让我给你来杯咖啡。

Let me get you a towel to dry your hands. 让我给你拿条毛巾擦手。

Let me get you something to eat. 让我给你拿点吃的。

Let me get you a tissue to wipe your tears. 让我给你拿张纸巾擦拭你的眼泪。


6. And you never knew she was a lesbian.  你从来都不知道她是女同性恋。

The lesbian couple adopted a baby girl. 这对女同性恋夫妇收养了一个女婴。


7.  Why does everyone keep fixating on that?


fixate 注视,固定

fixate on sth.  执着于;专注

She fixated on her failures and refused to move on. 她总将注意力放在失败上,拒绝向前走

He fixated on her beauty and couldn't take his eyes off her. 他痴迷于她的美丽,眼睛都无法离开她。


8. I realized I was more turned on by this gravy boat than by Barry.


turn  on v. 使兴奋

 gravy boat 船形调味肉汁盘;调味汁瓶

His performance turned everyone on. 他的表演使每个人都兴奋起来。

His words really turned me on. 他的话真的使我兴奋起来。

The song turned me on. 这首歌使我兴奋起来。


9. Can I get you some coffee? Decaf.


decaf ['diːkæf]   无咖啡因;脱咖啡因咖啡 


10. Then I got really freaked out, and that's when it hit me. 

然后我吓呆了 然后这个想法突然出现在脑中。

freak out 恐慌失措

I freaked out when I saw the exam results. 我看到考试结果时,惊慌失措了。

My friend freaked out when she saw how much money she had to pay for the medical bill. 我的朋友看到医疗账单要多少钱时,吓得不轻。
