153 -L1 Excuse me .mp4
154 -L2 Is this your..._ .mp4
155 -L3 Sorry, sir .mp4
156 -L4 Is this your..._ .mp4
157 -L5 Nice to meet you. .mp4
158 -L6 What make is it_ .mp4
159 -L7 Are you a teacher_ .mp4
160 -L8 What's your job_ .mp4
161 -L9 How are you today_ .mp4
162 -L10 Look at ... .mp4
163 -L11 Is this your shirt_ .mp4
164 -L12 Whose is this ..._ .mp4
165 -L13 A new dress .mp4
166 -L14 What colour's your ..._ .mp4
167 -L15 Your passport, please. .mp4
168 -L16 Are you ... _ .mp4
169 -L17 How do you do_ .mp4
170 -L18 What are their jobs_ .mp4
171 -L19 Tired and thirsty .mp4
172 -L20 Look at them! .mp4
173 -L21 Which book_ .mp4
174 -L22 Give me_him_her_us_them a .mp4
175 -L23 Which glasses_ .mp4
176 -L24 Give me_him_her_them some .mp4
177 -L25 Mrs.Smith's kitchen .mp4
178 -L26 Where is it_ .mp4
179 -L27 Mrs.Smith's living room .mp4
180 -L28 Where are they_ .mp4
181 -L29 Come in,Amy. .mp4
182 -L30 What must I do_ .mp4
183 -L31 Where's Sally_ .mp4
184 -L32 What's he_she_it doing_ .mp4
185 -L33 A fine day .mp4
186 -L34 What are they doing_ .mp4
187 -L35 Our village .mp4
188 -L36 Where ..._ .mp4
189 -L37 Making a bookcase .mp4
190 -L38 What are you going to do? .mp4
191 -L39 Don't drop it! .mp4
192 -L40 What are you going to do_ .mp4
193 -L41 Penny's bag .mp4
194 -L42 Is there a . in_on that ._ .mp4
195 -L43 Hurry up! .mp4
196 -L44 Are there any ..._ .mp4
197 -L45 The boss's letter .mp4
198 -L46 Can you ..._ .mp4
199 -L47 A cup of coffee .mp4
200 -L48 Do you like ..._ .mp4
201 -L49 At the butcher's .mp4
202 -L50 He likes ... .mp4
203 -L51 A pleasant climate .mp4
204 -L52 What nationality are they_ .mp4
205 -L53 An interesting climate .mp4
206 -L54 Where do they come from_ .mp4
207 -L55 The Sawyer family .mp4
208 -L56 What do they usually do_ .mp4
209 -L57 An unusual day .mp4
210 -L58 What's the time_ .mp4
211 -L59 Is that all_ .mp4
212 -L60 What's the time_ .mp4
213 -L61 A bad cold .mp4
214 -L62 What‘s the matter with .mp4
215 -L63 Thank you,doctor. .mp4
216 -L64 Don't ...! .mp4
217 -L65 Not a baby .mp4
218 -L66 What's the time_ .mp4
219 -L67 The weekend .mp4
220 -L68 What‘s the time? .mp4
221 -L69 The car race .mp4
222 -L70 When were they there? .mp4
223 -L71 He's awful ! .mp4
224 -L72 When did you ..._ .mp4
225 -L73 The way to King Street .mp4
226 -L74 What did they do_ .mp4
227 -L75 Uncomfortable shoes .mp4
228 -L76 When did you..._ .mp4
229 -L77 Terrible toothache .mp4
230 -L78 When did you..._ .mp4
231 -L79 Carol's shopping list .mp4
232 -L80 I must go to the... .mp4
233 -L81 Roast beef and potatoes .mp4
234 -L82 I had .. .mp4
235 -L83 Going on holiday .mp4
236 -L84 Have you had ..._ .mp4
237 -L85 Paris in spring .mp4
238 -L86 What have you done? .mp4
239 -L87 A car crash .mp4
240 -L88 Have you ... yet_ .mp4
241 -L89 For sale .mp4
242 -L90 Have you ... yet_ .mp4
243 -L91 Poor Ian! .mp4
244 -L92 When will..._ .mp4
245 -L93 Our new neighbour .mp4
246 -L94 When did you_ .mp4
247 -L95 Tickets,please. .mp4
248 -L96 What's the exact time_ .mp4
249 -L97 A small blue case .mp4
250 -L98 Whose is it_ .mp4
251 -L99 Ow! .mp4
252 -L100 He says that ... .mp4
253 -L101 A card from Jimmy .mp4
254 -L102 He says he... .mp4
255 -L103 The French test .mp4
256 -L104 Too,very,enough .mp4
257 -L105 Full of mistakes .mp4
258 -L106 I want you_him_her_them .mp4
259 -L107 It's too small .mp4
260 -L108 How do they compare_ .mp4
L109 A good idea.mp4
L110 How do they compare..mp4
L111 The most expensive model.mp4
L112 How do they compare..mp4
L113 Small changes.mp4
L114 I've got none..mp4
L115 Knock,knock!.mp4
L116 Every,no,any and some.mp4
L117 Tommy's breakfast.mp4
L118 What were you doing..mp4
L119 A true story.mp4
L120 It had already happened..mp4
L121 The man in a hat.mp4
L122 Who(whom),which and that.mp4
L123 A trip to Australia.mp4
L124 Whowhom,which and that.mp4
L125 Tea for two.mp4
L126 Have to and do not need.mp4
L127 A famous actress.mp4
L128 He can't be ....mp4
L129 Seventy miles an hour.mp4
L130 He can't have been ....mp4
L131 Don't be so sure!.mp4
L132 He may be ....mp4
L133 Sensational news!.mp4
L134 He said (that) he ....mp4
L135 The latest report.mp4
L136 He told me (that) he ....mp4
L137 A pleasant dream.mp4
L138 If ....mp4
L139 Is that you,John..mp4
L140 He wants to know ifwhy.mp4
L141 Sally's first train ride.mp4
L142 Someone invited Sally.mp4
L143 A walk through the woods.mp4
L144 He hasn't been served yet.mp4